OMEP-HONG KONG 會員申請/續會表格

【為孩子而奮鬥,加入世界幼兒教育聯會 Unite for Our children and Join OMEP 】

OMEP-HK is dedicated to working for children, under the age of eight, in early childhood education and care. Our members are supervisors, teachers, academics and experts in the field of early childhood education, and we have a wide knowledge base in preschool education and care in Hong Kong.

Membership is opened to persons who are interested in, concerned with, engaged in or have professional expertise in the field of early childhood education and who give support to the aims of OMEP Hong Kong. Four memberships options – Individual, Student, Organization or Honorary are provided to suit the different needs of our professionals. Wide ranges of benefits are offered to our members including free seminars and school visits etc.

【會員形式及福利 Membership Options and Benefits】

- 會員形式 Membership options -

+ 個人會員:一年會籍,年費為港幣 100 元。
+ 學生會員:一年會籍,年費為港幣 30 元。適用於正在修讀職前幼稚園教師培訓課程的學生。
+ 團體會員 : 一年會籍,年費為港幣 300 元。團體會員每次可提名5名教職員參加活動。
+ 榮譽會員 : 享有永久會籍,會費為為港幣 1500 元。

The membership is effective from November 1 of the year to October 31 of the next year.
+ Individual :
$100 annual fee for one-year membership
+ Student :
$30 annual fee for one-year membership, applicable for students of pre-service early childhood training programme
+ Organization :
$300 annual fee for one-year membership, organisation can nominate 5 staff members
+ Honorary :
$1500 for life membership

- 會員福利 Membership Benefits -

i. 建立國際網絡
ii. 與世界各地的幼兒教育專家進行學術交流
iii. 專業發展
iv. 國際學術研討會、會議報名費用減免
v. 免費參與學術講座/學校參觀

A member of OMEP-Hong Kong will enjoy,
i. International networking;
ii. Information exchange with early childhood professionals worldwide;
iii. Professional Development;
iv. Reduced registration fees at international seminars and conferences; and,
v. Free school visits/ seminars.
