OMEP-Hong Kong

OMEP-Hong Kong

OMEP-Hong Kong was established in 1992 as a non-profit organization with an aim to promote the well-being, development and education of young children aged 0-8 years, and to promote the professional development of early childhood educators.

It is affiliated with OMEP, an international, non-governmental and non-profit organization concerned with all aspects of early childhood education and care (ECEC).

OMEP-Hong Kong aims to:

  1. Promote the well-being, development and education of young children aged 0-8 years;
  2. Promote the professional development of early childhood education;
  3. Enhance linkages among those individuals, groups, or organizations involved with early childhood education in Hong Kong and other countries;
  4. Organize seminars, conferences, and the like, either among local people, or in conjunction with other associations in the Asian region or internationally for the development and exchange in the preschool field;
  5. Identify, research and publicize issues affecting the provision and development of early childhood education;
  6. Offer consultation to different associations, societies and the like, which are involved with early childhood education;
  7. Make recommendations related to early childhood education to the local authorities when necessary.